Reimagine Recognition

Bring your recognition programmes into the present in three simple ways.

Read the White Paper

Recognition bolsters feelings of purpose and meaning, which reduce staff turnover, enhance engagement, and increase loyalty.

Recognition Strategy

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Celebrate Everyone

Every single employee deserves recognition—birthdays, service anniversaries, etc. are brilliant ideas!


Recognize Achievement

Those employees who go above and beyond the call of duty deserve more recognition—and acknowledging this effort drives even more effort.


Reward Excellence

Retain those employees who are truly outstanding by recognising and rewarding their exemplary efforts.

Respect the Past, Look Forward to the Future!

Recognition in many organisations has been stuck in the past with plaques that are gathering dust on desks and cupboards full of last year’s employee summit windbreakers. It’s time to reimagine recognition into something new—something that celebrates every employee, recognises exceptional effort and rewards incredible achievement.

To reimagine recognition in your own organisation, think of a pyramid. You may have heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs? Or perhaps the food pyramid so many of us grew up seeing in those early morning cereal commercials? (Now it’s a plate, but we digress.) Well, we’ve reimagined recognition into something similar: a totally fly way to remember where to begin and where you can take your recognition programmes.

The Big 3 of Recognition

Reimagining recognition is about using your company values to foster purpose-driven achievement and effort in your employees. In fact, purpose-driven companies outperform the stock market by 42%! When employee effort and company values align in powerful ways, employees need to be recognised for that and then rewarded.

When recognition strengthens an employee's feelings of purpose at work, that leads to 40% lower turnover plus stronger engagement and heightened loyalty.

How much are you losing out on by sticking with your old recognition programmes? Maybe it’s time to reimagine recognition in your workplace. This will lead to a cycle of showing, seeing and feeling values in organisations. The awesome recognition pyramid we mentioned above is at the heart of it all as we celebrate, recognise and reward the people around us.

Let's break down each level of the pyramid and see what you can do to implement reimagined recognition in your workplace.

Celebrate Everyone

We’re all humans here and everyone deserves to be celebrated! Recently, humans have been degraded to a resource called “human capital” and we think that should bother us all. Have we devalued each individual so much that we now see them as a cog in a wheel, a resource to be exploited and managed? Gross.

Whatever your viewpoint on the whole “human capital” thing, it stands to reason that every single individual in your organisation deserves to be celebrated simply because of who they are—and there are multiple ways to do that.

Everyone has a birthday. Everyone has a work anniversary. Every company celebrates at least one holiday. And you know what else? Every organisation should have an employee appreciation day.These days are perfect occasions to celebrate your employees for devoting a sizable portion of their day (and life!) to you. Birthdays and service anniversaries are especially great for this and are an important part of a balanced recognition programme.

The point is that everybody deserves to feel like they’re king of the world at work every so often and as we all strive to celebrate people just for being who they are, we’ll build that sense of community and belonging that every good organisation needs.

Fortunately, most workplaces understand milestone recognitions are important. If they don’t (and if you’re in one of those organisations), then maybe there are bigger problems to worry about. But we’d like to let you in on a secret: celebrating everyone doesn’t have to be hard. You can automate all your milestone celebrations on platforms like Awardco to take the busywork out of trying to remember every birthday or anniversary.

Pyramid with word highlighted Celebrate

Recognise High Performers

When you’ve got a great foundation of celebration in your organisation, it’s time to start recognising those that excel. Recognition can help drive the behaviour your values promote, and to be effective must be given out early and often.

Remember that recognising your high performers shouldn’t be overwhelming. You can build all kinds of programmes that can help with this, including sales incentives, wellness programmes, work from home initiatives, referral programmes, value spotlights, spot recognitions, and much more.

Recognition should be as inclusive as possible. In other words, let everyone (leaders AND peers) participate in recognition programmes to make sure everyone has a chance to be noticed. As behaviour is recognised, a higher sense of self-esteem and achievement will rise in your employees.

One more thing that will help drive the effectiveness of your recognition programmes: reward variety and employee choice.When one type of recognition or reward is relied upon too heavily, it becomes mundane and insincere, which will ultimately weaken its value. Your strengths lie in a variety of programmes and a variety of rewards. Consider giving employees more power to choose their own rewards, and you’ll find this step of recognising your employees becomes even easier.

Reward Your Power Players

Now that you’ve got a dynamic duo of celebration and recognition, it’s time for the pinnacle of reimagining recognition: rewarding those employees that truly knock it out of the park. You will always have employees that truly exceed expectations and do incredible work.

Those power players need to know they’re seen—and they need to be rewarded often. Now, anyone who’s been in a budget squabble might think this is unrealistic, but just think about this: the cost to reward your most valuable players is very small compared to the cost of losing them.

When rewarding your best employees, make sure you consider multiple forms of rewards. Things like a public ceremony (if that’s their thing) a commemorative award, a monetary amount or perhaps the most potent: the power to choose their own reward coupled with the recognition you already have planned to give them.

The Spice Girls said it best—all you need to do is ask your employees what they really really want. You might notice a theme here: we’re big on choice. In fact, studies have shown that more choice in rewards leads to an increase in performance by as much as 40%!

As a bonus, here’s a fun tip to keep in mind: letting employees earn and claim their own rewards (without the recognition of a manager or peer) removes administration time and improves program adoption. Think wellness, training, competitions and more. Incentive programmes can be a thing for your reward programmes, too! And in case you were wondering, Awardco can easily help you do this through our Incentives feature. Neat!

Reimagine Recognition

It's time to reimagine the way you think about rewards and recognition. And maybe, after all this, you might be wondering: “How are we going to begin to do all that?” It turns out that’s the easy part. Just start simple and resist the urge to make things complicated.

We’ve found a good rule of thumb on recognition programmes is the 3-2-1 rule:

  • Programmes that celebrate everyone
  • Programmes that recognise high-performers
  • Programme that rewards MVPs

A simple, yet thoughtful approach to recognition will make all the difference when promoting your programme internally, especially to stakeholders in your company. Focusing recognition on the values and behaviours you’re hoping to cultivate within the organisation will help drive ROI with higher retention and improved performance.

Now that you understand the balanced approach of celebration, recognition, and rewards, it’s time to do something about it. Change the way your organisation engages its employees. Celebrate everyone, recognise the achievers and reward the top performers—all from one centralised platform.

Consolidate your recognition and rewards efforts by using Awardco, and as you do we promise to give you a platform that truly rewards, a solution that actually builds culture and a way to engage with your employees like never before.