January 7, 2025
March 18, 2024

Holiday Programme Best Practices: How to Give the Best Employee Gifts

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The end of the year is just around the corner—can you believe 2024 is already almost over? Time flies, right?

With Q4 upon us, most HR teams turn their eyes to one thing: end-of-year holiday programmes. These programmes can include all sorts of things, like:

  • Holiday celebrations
  • Fancy dinners
  • Gifts for employees
  • Team activities
  • Bonuses
  • And more!

It’s tradition to end the year with a bang, and so many companies pull out the stops to make their holiday celebrations special. But with the work landscape going through so many changes in recent years, and employee expectations for the workplace evolving, it can be hard to stick the landing for holiday programmes.

In this post, we’ll do a deep-dive into one aspect of holiday programmes: employee gifts. We’ll go over everything you need to know to offer the best gifts that will satisfy each of your people, regardless of budget, employee demographic, work location, etc.

So get your scissors ready—let’s start unwrapping the secrets of employee gifts!

Why Should You Give Employees Gifts?

Gifts have been an important part of our culture for generations. They express appreciation, strengthen relationships, and offer symbolic communication that shows employees they’re valued and cared for.

Psychological (and Other) Benefits of Employee Gifts

Our brains are hardwired to love both giving and receiving gifts. It releases oxytocin, a chemical that makes you feel the warm fuzzies and helps you feel closer to others. Oxytocin also increases serotonin and dopamine levels, which increase feelings of happiness, contentment, and focus.

In a nutshell, employee gifts strengthen loyalty to the company, increase employee happiness, and show employees that they’re valued, appreciated, and supported. These feelings lead to:

  • 31% lower turnover
  • 14% higher performance
  • 13% greater productivity

And consider this: the single biggest driver of employee engagement is whether the employees feel like their managers and leaders genuinely care about them. Thoughtful gifts can accomplish that, leading to 4X greater engagement, 23% higher profitability, and 81% lower absenteeism.

Giving meaningful, thoughtful gifts is the key to unlocking an engaged, productive, and happy workforce for the rest of the year. That’s why you should care about the gifts you give to employees this holiday season.

What Makes a Good Employee Gift?

This one’s easy—a gift that feels personal, meaningful, and desired by the recipient is a good gift. The price tag, size, and content of the gift is mostly irrelevant. It’s all about how the gift makes the employees feel.

Consider gifts you’ve received yourself. Which ones can you even remember? Probably the ones that you knew came from a place of love and thoughtfulness, where you could tell the giver thought about you and your likes, interests, and personality. Well, employee holiday gifts are no different.

Here’s the kicker, though: 84% of employees say they’ve received gifts from their company that they don’t want or care for. To avoid that, keep these gift-giving strategies in mind:

  • Personalised. The gift is in some way personalised to the recipient. This can be through a handwritten note or a unique item.
  • Meaningful. The gift isn’t some cookie-cutter throwaway—it means something to the recipient.
  • Thoughtful. The recipient should know that they were thought of when the company chose their gift.

Gift Cards vs Physical Items vs Digital Rewards

You may think that gift cards are the way to go—they’re easy, budget-friendly, and give employees some freedom to choose how/when they spend them. However, 79% of employees say gift cards are less meaningful than physical gifts, and 86% say they’ve lost or forgotten about gift cards they’ve been given.

Best Practices for Giving Gift Cards

  • Don’t give out the same few gift cards to every employee. Instead, give out as many unique cards as needed to ensure each employee gets one to a place they enjoy.
  • Put enough on the cards. A end-of-year gift of a $10 gift card won’t feel very meaningful. The cards don’t have to be hugely expensive, but make them impactful.
  • Include a personal touch. A handwritten note from each employee’s manager is the perfect way to make gift cards a little more meaningful.

If you don’t want to give gift cards, physical items are a great option. However, there are some dangers when giving these as well. For example, branded items, unwanted items, or gag gifts will all do more harm than good. And finding the right gifts for dozens, hundreds, or thousands of employees can be an insurmountable challenge.

Best Practices for Giving Physical Items

  • Customise items based on employee preference. Learn what each employee enjoys and give them items based on their interests, wants, or needs.
  • Avoid branded items. Swag can be tempting to give out, but employees don’t appreciate it. Holiday gifts should be about THEM, not the company.
  • Don’t give out gag gifts. While some employees may appreciate a joke gift, many others will feel cheated or undervalued. Save gag gifts for April Fool’s Day.

What about digital gifts? Digital rewards, like points on the Awardco platform, are gifts that allow employees to buy themselves whatever they want for the holidays. These give employees unparalleled choice, but some may fear these gifts lack the personal touch (though 77% of employees say they’d rather choose their own gift than have their company pick one).

Best Practices for Giving Digital Rewards

  • Personalise the gift. Once again, personalised messages of appreciation from leaders is a great way to make digital rewards more meaningful.
  • Maximise the freedom of choice. Some digital rewards may come with a limited catalog of reward options to choose from. If possible, eliminate restrictions and allow employees to spend their points on anything they want.

The point of this post isn’t to tell you exactly what to give your employees. That’s for you to find out. Sometimes gift cards will work great, other times a physical item wrapped neatly in paper is best. And digital rewards can be effective, too. These strategies will help you maximise each of these gift options, whatever you decide.

Examples of Good Employee Gift Ideas

As we’ve mentioned before, employee gifts should be customised and personalised to each employee. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t get some inspiration for your gifting adventures from a guide like this!

Employee Gifts That Are Free

As mentioned above, employee gifts do not have to be expensive to be meaningful and impactful. In fact, many free employee gift ideas exist that can make your holiday programme a smashing success.

  • Handwritten, personalised notes from managers or leaders
  • An extra day or two of PTO
  • Professional development opportunities
  • Help from leadership with a project

Employee Gifts Under $50

If you have a small budget for employee gifts, this list is for you. We’ll break it down into a few categories to really help you nail down the right gifts for each of your employees.

Gifts for Cinephiles

Gifts for Outdoor Adventurers

Gifts for Fitness Fanatics

Gifts for Homebodies

Gifts for Techies

Comic book style illustration of hands holding a gift on a pink, starry background

Employee Gifts Between $51 and $100

Have a little more to spend but still need to keep it manageable? Check out these moderately-priced gifts for the same groups of employees.

Gifts for Cinephiles

Gifts for Outdoor Adventurers

Gifts for Fitness Fanatics

Gifts for Homebodies

Gifts for Techies

Employee Gifts Over $100

Do you have the budget to splurge on your employees this year? These expensive gift ideas will really knock their socks off.

Gifts for Cinephiles

Gifts for Outdoor Adventurers

Gifts for Fitness Fanatics

Gifts for Homebodies

Gifts for Techies

Remember! This list is just supposed to give you some ideas to get started. Talk to your employees, find out what they like, and then go from there.

Pro tip: You can find every single one of these items on the Awardco platform through our partnership with Amazon!

Can You Ask What Employees Want?

Sometimes, it’s easiest to ask what the recipient of your gift wants, and for employee gifts, we actually encourage this! Yes, asking may take away some of the surprise factor, but that’s far better than taking a random guess and ending up with a gift no one wants.

To best figure out what your people want, send out a survey. Maintain a level of gifting surprise by calling it a “Get to Know You” survey instead of a “Tell Me Exactly What You Want for Christmas” survey. Here are some questions you can ask:

  • What’s your favorite colour? 
  • What’s your favorite restaurant?
  • What’s your favorite book series, movie, or tv show?
  • What hobby are you really into right now?
  • Do you follow any sports teams, and if so, which ones?
  • What’s your go-to date idea?
  • Would you rather spend a free day at home or out doing things?
  • Do you prefer splurging on physical items or in-person experiences?
  • Which interests would you say best explain who you are?

The info you gather here will allow you to come up with personalised gifts for years to come!

Give Great Gifts This Year

This holiday season, give your employees gifts that they’ll love, no matter where they work, what their interests are, or what your budget is. Through this gifting guide, and the other posts in our Holiday Programme Best Practices series, we hope you’ll be able to make this year’s celebrations some to remember.

Jefferson Hansen
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An avid lover of fantasy books, a proud Hufflepuff, and a strong proponent of escapism, Jeff has a love of good storytelling. He relies on that for both his professional work and his writing hobby (don’t ask about the 10+ novel ideas collecting virtual dust on his computer).