Over the last several years employee engagement has been a big buzz word in the industry. It seems to be everywhere—in webinars, at conferences, on LinkedIn and you can’t seem to go a day without hearing about it somewhere. Maybe you even hear about employee engagement in meetings you’re having at work and you’re wondering exactly how you can talk about it to stakeholders in such a way as to provide proof that it influences the bottom line in a big way.
Don’t worry, we’re here to help you do just that. We’ve done the research to help you make the case for employee engagement in your company and we’ve put it in a handy downloadable at the end of this blog post. In the meantime, let us whet your whistle with a little preview:
Engagement Increases Productivity
Companies that don’t invest in employee engagement are losing much of the potential returns each year in sunk costs and lost opportunities—all because employees are actively checked out from work.
A strong engagement strategy boosts employee productivity, which in turn can generate more revenue per employee. We get that employees aren’t just a number on a spreadsheet and we don’t want to convey the idea that employees are merely drones working to increase your company’s revenue. Not at all. But let’s be real: employees, in general, work to earn money so they can live a life. Companies exist because they provide a product or a service and they in turn get money for that, then pay their employees to do the work that generates the product or service. It’s a big happy symbiotic relationship, one that depends on productivity both of the company and the employee. And if the employee is more productive, the company will be, too.
Increasing the engagement of your employees boosts productivity and will generate as much as $28,000 USD in increased revenue per employee.