Kris Lechman serves his New Jersey community by combining his two passions: fishing and teaching. As a young boy, Kris grew up learning from the other fishermen on the dock. He admired their expertise and honed his craft over the years. About 20 years ago, Kris joined the Bergen Bassmasters Fishing Club. When the opportunity arose for someone to direct the club’s fishing event for people with disabilities, Kris volunteered to take it on.
Having taught kindergarten for many years, teaching beginners about fishing came as second nature to Kris, but organising an event of this size was a daunting task. The entire community has come together each year to help Kris make the event possible.
For several decades, participants with disabilities have been invited to attend the fishing tournament that includes food, games, prizes and fishing lessons from other fishermen in the area. Each year, anywhere from 100-200 participants attend the event, with 200-300 volunteers offering their time to ensure the event runs smoothly. Many businesses offer donations of funds or other resources to show their support.
This tournament has brought people together from several New Jersey counties, and many participants return year after year.
By taking something he loves and sharing it with others, Kris has had a profound impact on his community.
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