
See why Sourceforge reviewers love Awardco


Introducing Awardco for SMB—enterprise solutions at an SMB price for rewards and recognition.

See why Sourceforge reviewers love Awardco

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  • Simple to use, all-in-one platform

  • Easily customise your total rewards programmes

  • Save time with automations for recurring celebrations

  • Incentivise anything, for everyone

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“There is never a good time to switch to a new system, but I also know that employees were eager for something new. Awardco has given us incredible power and flexibility with our recognition programs because of the millions of options to choose from, and the ability for employees to choose their own rewards has been a game changer. We know what we’re getting, we know we’re getting the best price, and our employees couldn’t be happier.”

Cheryl Vincent
Talent Development Manager

“We wanted to make recognition easy and exciting for our blue-collar workers to participate in, and Awardco’s capabilities have made that possible.”

Mason Ongarato
HR Software & Employee Perks Expert

“Before Awardco we had no idea how many gift cards were going out or when, but now we have real-time budgetary updates. It’s been a game changer.”

Jodi Gonzales
HR Manager

“We do a lot of remote work activities where you can win something. We do a lot of these competitions, and I used to go to Amazon and send a £25 gift card to the winners, but now I do it through Awardco. It’s in the system, trackable, and much more streamlined.”

Amberlee Taylor
Sr. Communications Specialist

“When you have employees working hard from home juggling family responsibilities, and yet still being physically separate from their team, a simple birthday message and gift they get to pick out creates a meaningful touchpoint, and allows them to take a moment for themselves.”

Rosie Scannell
Global HR

“Awardco has given us the chance to figure out how to put that personal touch back into recognition even if employees are remote. ”

Mary-Jane Padullo
HR and Corporate Resources

“Soon after our implementation we created a financial recognition programme through Awardco for managers and supervisors to recognise their employees for extra efforts. Now our managers and supervisors have their own budgeted amount to use at their discretion to award their employees at any time, and they don’t have to wait for approval to do so.”

Cheryl Vincent
Talent Development Manager

“The deciding factor with Awardco was really the flexibility of the platform to meet our business needs…we view Awardco as a partner to meet those needs.”

Brenda Neuhoff
Director of Total Rewards

Awards We've Received

Deanna Tindell
People Operations Specialist

"Awardco has helped us build and maintain the culture of appreciation that we know is imperative to great work. We've seen first-hand that when employees feel appreciated, they are more productive."

David Alsop
Chief Human Resource Officer

“Modern recognition with Awardco has created an ecosystem of appreciation. What we’ve found, as employees have recognized each other, is that they’re motivated long term. Employees want to enjoy their work and be successful, and if we recognize them for th

Dan Higbee
Senior Director of HR

“With Awardco, recognition is more than a one-off thing. It’s starting to become a part of our culture and our employees’ daily habits.”

Sara Beer
Director of Core Values

Just managing our custom rewards felt like a full-time job with our previous supplier—it took all day every Friday. With Awardco, I don’t have to do any of the manual fulfilment work anymore. I’m saving 6-8 hours a week, just managing orders.

Kerie Rogers
HR Operations Leader

“Change management was a worry when exploring new suppliers. However, our leadership, HR, and associates have smoothly transitioned to Awardco, and they appreciate its straightforward and intuitive design, which surpasses the complexities of previous platf

Kymberlee Stephens
Director of Employee Experience and Wellness

Awardco has provided significant time savings. Our previous programme was clunky, manual and time consuming. Now, with the automation capabilities available through Awardco, my team saves 5-8 hours a week!

Jay Adhvaryu
Director of Finance and Compliance

“Awardco actually cost us less than what we were doing in the past, and it’s had a bigger impact on our ROI and employee engagement.”

Nicole Blaschka
Director of Human Resources

“Awardco has taken the guesswork out of our culture—leadership knows they're not treating anyone unfairly or unconsciously showing favouritism. Recognition is a lot more consistent and frequent for everyone.”

Mason Ongarato
HR Software & Employee Benefits Specialist

“We wanted to make recognition easy and exciting for our blue collar workers to participate in, and Awardco’s capabilities have made that possible.”

Deanna Dennis
Sr. Manager, Team Member Experience

“It has been thrilling to see the increased engagement around recognition, and how the platform has encouraged team members to support each other in new ways."

Hannah Fagan
Human Resource Leader

“We recently pulled an in-platform report to check on usage and then we reached out to people individually to improve adoption—especially managers. Since then, engagement has been significantly higher and our culture of recognition is growing—even our exec

“Awardco has simply become a part of our culture now because we've been able to build so many things with it.”

Program Director at Necco

"I think Awardco is a great platform for recognition. Being able to give a little extra money here and there goes a long way. I try to recognize my office as much as possible when they go above and beyond."

Monica Delgado
Senior Manager of Total Rewards & Wellbeing at BPM

"We really like the redemption options and how Awardco integrates with Amazon—the platform's ease-of-use has empowered us to handle our growing employee population."

Amanda Benedick
Director of Internal Communications

“Awardco is enabling us to not only promote our recognition programmes but recognition as a culture.”

Sonia Magdaleno
Talent and Engagement Specialist

"Recognition has allowed managers to shine the light on employees who aren’t normally in the limelight. This has improved morale as far as employees enjoying work and feeling more valued."

Nealy Whipler
Global Direct of Talent Management

“I love the simplicity of the programme and the ease of taxes. We were really worried about that, but it’s been really easy.”

Rosie Scannell
Global HR

“Awardco is the perfect platform for our employee recognition programme. It supports our unique employee culture and community.”

Jeff Jensen
Director of HR, Hunt Brothers Pizza

“We've given our employees something they never had before: the power to choose their own rewards. And if that wasn't enough, we save money because the products aren't marked up! Awardco truly brought our recognition programmes into the 21st century.”

CEO of Black Hills Exteriors

I believe that if you have a good heart as an owner, and you truly want to show employees that you care, a platform like Awardco is the best way to do so.

Courtney Nussbeck
Marketing & Events Director at Aspen Contracting

"I love that I have a team of people who help make our programme run smoothly. Awardco is quick to respond and help with training or customisation to our platform. They help me see how to use recognition to better serve my team."

Marko Brkic
Employee Experience Manager at Seven Bridges

“What I love most is the reporting aspect. It’s something that reinforces the impact of Awardco, and it shows that the work we're doing is paying off.”

Shaye McCoy
Senior Analyst Total Rewards at Paramount

“There are so many [reward] options, and everyone is already accustomed to Amazon and knows what they can get. In the past, we had a catalogue of items, and it didn’t feel like it would fit with our new demographic.”

Ryan Zeller
Marketing & Corporate Communications Manager

“We’re doing a lunch and learn and our client success rep is helping us create a training and recordings on the platform to show employees how to properly use it. It's very rare that you find a company willing to spend the time to make sure you’re properly

Christina Castro
Training Leader at Quick Quack Car Wash

Awardco is such a perfect fit for changing lives for the better.

Lauren Long
HR Operations Manager at SEF Energy

“We haven’t heard one bad thing about Awardco from our employees. It’s taken off much better than we expected it to because the employees love it.”

Ruben White
Manager of Occupational Health and Safety

“Our company is very safety-culture oriented, and [Awardco] offers us a way to acknowledge the impact that our employees have on that culture.”

Brenda Neuhoff
Director of Total Rewards

“Before, our visibility to our spend was quite limited…but centralising everything in the Awardco platform has enabled us to have visibility and provide consistency as it relates to budgeting and recognition for the culture.”

Jodi Gonzales
HR Manager at AFCU

“Before Awardco we had very little insight into our physical recognition programs, but now we have real-time budgetary updates, an incredible time savings, and more options for rewards than ever. It’s been a game changer.”

Annasuela Fritz
HR Projects and Recognition Manager

“Awardco is not only a fantastic recognition solution but a fantastic technology solution that also provides recognition. Awardco has given us a level of confidence we didn’t have before.”

Mary-Jane Padullo
HR and Corporate Resources

“Awardco has given us the opportunity to figure out how to put that personal touch back into recognition even if employees are remote. ”

Lacy Andersen
Project Manager

“We now have complete visibility into budgetary usage and recognitions. Before, nobody could see recognitions at all—it was always done on a small scale, one-on-one from manager to employee. Now everyone in the company can see the successes of others and celebrate those with them, and we can see how managers are using the funds we’ve given them. Our budgets have equalized almost entirely—down to the dollar.”

Cheryl Vincent
Talent Development Manager

“Soon after our implementation we created a financial recognition program through Awardco for managers and supervisors to recognize their employees for extra efforts. Now our managers and supervisors have their own budgeted amount to use at their discretion to award their employees at any time, and they don’t have to wait for approval to do so.”

Storey O'Barr
Recognition and Communications Specialist

"We needed something to unify our recognition programs for all our different locations, and we found that and more with Awardco."

Amberlee Taylor
Sr. Communication Specialist

“We do a lot of remote work activities where you can win something. We do a lot of these contests, and I used to go to Amazon and send a $25 gift card to the winners, but now I do it through Awardco. It’s in the system, trackable, and much more streamlined.”