Driving Engagement in an Industrial Workforce

All Access used Awardco to build a culture of excitement, engagement, and safety in a high-risk, blue collar industry.

At A Glance

Over 200% increase in program utilization over 4 months
5 different recognition programs
Staging for Rihanna’s Super Bowl performance

About All Access Staging

All Access has provided innovative and specialized set and staging equipment since 1991, including for Rihanna's 2023 Super Bowl performance. They pride themselves on safe and reliable equipment for worldwide venues, ensuring events go off without a hitch.

The Challenge

How do you effectively recognize manufacturing and labor employees, all while motivating safety and compliance?

All Access wanted to ensure their blue collar workforce, comprised mostly of manufacturing, labor, and sales employees, felt valued and appreciated. They also wanted a way to drive engagement and improve safety.

“Awardco has helped us make recognition more worthwhile by improving employee morale and showing them that we care—recognition is more meaningful, so it’s become more valuable to our employees.”

Mason Ongarato
HR Software & Employee Benefits Expert

The Solution

Reaching an Industrial Workforce

With so many employees working in manufacturing and labor, All Access knew a digital-only recognition solution wouldn’t cut it. They decided that the customization of Awardco would be key for them.

To that end, they created a custom St. Patrick’s Day program on the day of their launch—certain leaders put on suitably green accessories and went around handing out points to their employees.

All Access has also utilized AwardCodes as a way to recognize their offline employees. It’s been so effective, many employees have actually reached out to their HR team, asking for help to set goals so that they can earn more points—that’s an HR dream come true!

The Solution

Incentivizing Safety and Compliance

In an industry where safety and compliance are vital, it’s important that employees actively learn and participate in safety training. But that can be hard to get employees excited about.

To drive that behavior, All Access has leveled up their safety program with Awardco, offering points and various rewards to those who participate (instead of the old rewards like a power tool or a Home Depot gift card).

By offering rewards that employees actually want, All Access has seen a big jump in safety and compliance, especially with risk assessment paperwork.

“We wanted to make recognition easy and exciting for our blue collar workers to participate in, and Awardco’s capabilities have made that possible.”

Mason Ongarato
HR Software & Employee Benefits Expert

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CPS Group

CPS Group has upgraded their recognition program with automation and customization, creating a web of appreciation that boosts the culture in each of their locations.


MagnaFlow was able to both boost morale and cut down on turnover by creating a culture of recognition through Awardco.