Improving Morale With Recognition

Despite being in an industry typically affected by burnout, insufficient appreciation, and low morale, Necco has used Awardco to double down on their culture of gratitude and support.

At A Glance

Improved employee morale
Inspiring service awards
7+ recognition programs

About Necco

Necco has been in the business of building families since 1996. They are passionate about equipping children and families with the knowledge, resources, and tools they need to live fulfilling, purposeful lives.

The Challenge

What can you do to improve morale and reduce turnover in an industry that usually struggles in those areas?

As a company that offers foster care, adoption, behavioral health counseling, independent living, residential living, and more, Necco employees have a lot on their plates every day. They’re passionate about building and helping families, and due to their selfless nature, they often go above and beyond with no thought of reward.

Facing these challenges, Necco needed an edge to help their employees.

"Awardco is a great way to give rewards and shoutouts to our employees who sacrifice and assist and go above and beyond."

Logan Harrelson
Recruiter at Necco

The Solution

Making Difficult Work More Rewarding

Necco knew they wanted a recognition program to reward all of their employees, especially direct service workers. Their employees have a passion for working with kids and families, and Necco knew that that passion can be supported and ignated with recognition.

With Awardco, Necco has been able to create a variety of different recognition programs that show how much they appreciate their employees. These programs include:

  • Service awards to provide shoutouts and rewards regularly
  • Birthdays to ensure everyone is celebrated
  • End-of-year-awards with personalized notes of gratitude
  • Top performer rewards to drive behavior
  • Life events program to support employees’ personal lives
  • Referral program to spread the good word

With so much recognition, Necco has doubled down on a culture where employees feel seen and valued, which has led to improved morale and burnout levels.

The Solution

Getting Everyone Involved

Employee recognition isn’t something that only Necco’s HR team is interested in. Because of how easy, simple, and effective Awardco is, especially with budgeting, reporting, and automation, everyone from executives and managers to direct service employees are involved.

Managers and leaders love being able to give out points and reward effort, and they see the value of how regular recognition improves the lives of employees. Now, even though the work is challenging, Necco has flipped the script and improved their employees’ experience.

"I think Awardco is a great platform for recognition. Being able to give a little extra money here and there goes a long way. I try to recognize my office as much as possible when they go above and beyond."

Program Director at Necco

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